Rock the Vote Launches Educational Awareness Campaign Around 2020 Census
On Monday, April 1st, Census Day, Rock the Vote has launched an educational awareness campaign geared towards young people on the importance of the Census.
The campaign, which kicked off with this video and web page, seeks to help young people understand the importance of the Census.
“Young people must understand the importance of being counted in the Census, that is fundamentally what this campaign is about,” said Rock The Vote President & Executive Director Carolyn DeWitt. “The Census is about so much more than a population count, it determines the distribution of political power and money from the federal government to our communities and every level of government in between. Young people are historically undercounted, which means they aren’t getting their fair share of representation or resources. We’re committed to changing that.”
Rock The Vote’s “We Count” video showcases members of the diverse youth generation laying out the importance of the Census.
Rock The Vote’s campaign launches under the backdrop of the Census becoming highly politicized under the Trump administration, most notably through its attempts to add a citizenship status question to the survey. In addition, Census efforts have been significantly underfunded, which have forced states, cities, and non-profits, like Rock The Vote, to allocate budgets to supplement the Census Bureau’s outreach and education strategies to encourage participation in the Census, particularly among historically undercounted populations.
Rock the Vote is dedicated to building the political power of young people. The Census is arguably as important as voting to ensuring young people and their communities getting their fair share of representation and resources.
To learn more about Rock The Vote visit